Al Rokers reaction to the total solar eclipse is so pure

Did you guys get to see the solar eclipse where you are? We had a partial eclipse in my area but it was still over 80%! Unfortunately it was overcast, but due to the almost two and a half hour window of viewing time I saw it several times. I was at a local park and I think the best part was when the kids were exclaiming “I see it!” as that clouds parted. I swear I said that a few times too because it’s truly awe-inspiring to experience. At one point a man was trying to talk to me about my dog and I hope I was polite enough because all I wanted to do was watch for the eclipse. In my lifetime I have seen at least two other solar eclipses, in 2017 and 1981. They’re always memorable and even though we didn’t get the full eclipse yesterday I will remember this one!

America’s favorite weatherman Al Roker was in the zone of totality, in Dallas Texas, for The Today Show. His reaction was so enthusiastic that people are talking about it. Seeing Al getting excited, and hearing the crowd screaming, this video gives me goosebumps. I didn’t know you could take your glasses off when the sun was covered, but they did that. Here’s that video.

Al took me out when he said “we’re going to be eclipse junkies.” I also love the scientist interviewed at minute two saying that she studies the corona and never gets to see it! She explains at minute 3:15 that you can see the plasma of the sun peaking out. That’s so cool.

My boyfriend went to Indiana to see the eclipse. He said that it seemed unreal because geese were flying around in circles, frogs started croaking and it got cold and dark. He also loved it and said he couldn’t stop smiling on the drive home.

Also, we had an earthquake on Friday and an eclipse on Monday. Woah.

"So there you have it. The great earthquake of 2024 just before the total eclipse of 2024," Al Roker said. "Wild!"

— TODAY (@TODAYshow) April 5, 2024

photos via Instagram and credit my boyfriend
