Jill Duggar shared pregnancy early because every life is precious no matter how young

Jill Duggar announced her pregnancy on the cover of People Magazine when she was only six weeks along. She claims to have fallen pregnant just two weeks into her new marriage, to accountant Derick Dillard. Many people were wondering what possessed Jill and Derick to make the announcement when it’s typical to wait until three months into a pregnancy to make it public. In a new interview with Page Six, Jill explains that she did it because “every life is precious no matter how young.”

Why they announced the pregnancy so early
Understanding that the majority of miscarriages happen within the first trimester, and believing that every life is precious no matter how young, we decided to share our joyful news as soon as we could.

Why they got married 8 months after they met
We prayed a lot, prepared and really didn’t see any reason to have a long courtship and engagement. Once we knew we wanted to get married, we didn’t want to put off the wedding for a long time and provide a stumbling block for ourselves. We purposed to save ourselves physically for each other within marriage (even our first kiss for our wedding day!), so we had a short engagement period. We knew that we weren’t going to prevent having children, so when we found out we were expecting within our first month of marriage, we were thrilled!

Why long engagements aren’t a good idea
You may not wanna push the wedding date out too far, as those natural God-given desires with too much time between engagement and marriage can make it harder to remain pure. If you are financially ready, and things are in place (which should be at the time the question is popped), we believe an engagement should only be long enough to plan a wedding!

On if they will have a lot of kids
I have loved having lots of brothers and sisters and although Derick comes from a family with just one brother, both of us would love to have as many children as God will give us. We are also open to the possibility of adoption.

[From The NY Post]

The Post also quotes a doctor throughout the piece who explains the percentages of pregnancies that go to term based on how far along the mother is. These people don’t understand or care about statistics, they have an agenda and they’re going to promote it. Jill is all of 23, she’s parroting everything she’s learned to date. Jill got married so she could have sex, she’s said so before, and she’s having sex so she can have as many kids as possible, just like her mom. I wonder if she’s going to become a reality star in her own right. I get the sense that she’s about to get her own show. Newlyweds, fundie style.

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photos via Instagram, People
